Source code for yaml2bib._yaml2bib

#!/usr/bin/env python3
"""Convert a yaml file to bib file with the correct journal abbreviations."""

import contextlib
import glob
import os
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Tuple

import click
import crossref.restful
import diskcache
import requests
import yaml
from tqdm import tqdm

def pages_from_crossref(data, works: crossref.restful.Works) -> str:
        page = data["article-number"]
    except KeyError:
        if "page" in data:
            page = data["page"].split("-")[0]
            raise Exception("No page number found!")
    return page

def journal_from_crossref(data, works: crossref.restful.Works) -> Tuple[str, str]:
    return data["container-title"][0], data["short-container-title"][0]

def cached_crossref(doi: str, works: crossref.restful.Works, database: str) -> str:
    """Look up if this has previously been called."""
    with diskcache.Cache(database) as cache:
        info = cache.get(doi)
        if info is not None:
            return info
        info = works.doi(doi)
        cache[doi] = info
        return info

def replace_special_letters(x):
    # XXX: I am not sure whether these substitutions are needed.
    # the problem seemed to be the utf-8 `requests.get` encoding.
    to_replace = [("ΓΆ", r"\"{o}"), ("ΓΌ", r"\"{u}"), ("Γ«", r"\"{e}"), ("Γ―", r"\"{i}")]

    for old, new in to_replace:
        x = x.replace(old, new)
        x = x.replace(old.upper(), new.upper())

    return x

def replace_key(
    key: str,
    bib_entry: str,
    replacements: List[Tuple[str, str]],
    works: crossref.restful.Works,
) -> str:
    bib_type = bib_entry.split("{")[0]
    bib_context = bib_entry.split(",", maxsplit=1)[1]
    # Now only modify `bib_context` because we don't want to touch the key.

    bib_context = replace_special_letters(bib_context)

    to_replace = replacements.copy()

    with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
        # Use the journal abbrv. from crossref, not used if hard coded.
        to_replace.append(journal_from_crossref(data, works))

    for old, new in to_replace:
        bib_context = bib_context.replace(old, new)

    result = bib_type + "{" + key + "," + bib_context

    if "pages = {" not in result:
        # Add the page number if it's missing
        with contextlib.suppress(Exception):
            pages = pages_from_crossref(data, works)
            lines = result.split("\n")
            lines.insert(2, f"\tpages = {{{pages}}},")
            result = "\n".join(lines)

    return result

def doi2bib(doi: str) -> str:
    """Return a bibTeX string of metadata for a given DOI."""
    print(f"Requesting {doi}")
    url = "" + doi
    headers = {"accept": "application/x-bibtex"}
    r = requests.get(url, headers=headers)
    r.encoding = "utf-8"
    return r.text

def cached_doi2bib(doi: str, database: str) -> str:
    """Look up if this has previously been called."""
    with diskcache.Cache(database) as cache:
        text = cache.get(doi)
        if text is not None:
            return text
        text = doi2bib(doi)
        if text != "" and "<html>" not in text:
            print(f"Succesfully got '{doi}' πŸŽ‰")
            cache[doi] = text
            print(f"Failed on '{doi}' 😒")
        return text

def combine_yamls(pathname: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
    mapping: Dict[str, str] = {}
    for fname in glob.glob(pathname):
        with open(fname) as f:
            for k, v in yaml.safe_load(f).items():
                # Check that there are no duplicate keys with different DOIs.
                if k in mapping:
                    if v.lower() != mapping[k].lower():
                        msg = f"{k} exists for multiple DOIs: {v} and {mapping[k]}."
                        raise KeyError(msg)
                    mapping[k] = v

    dois = dict(sorted(mapping.items()))
    return dois

def parse_doi_yaml(fname: str) -> Dict[str, str]:
    if os.path.isfile(fname):
        with open(fname) as f:
            return yaml.safe_load(f)
        return combine_yamls(fname)

def parse_replacements_yaml(fname: Optional[str]) -> List[Tuple[str, str]]:
    if fname is None:
        return []

    with open(fname) as f:
        d = yaml.safe_load(f)
    all_replacements = []
    for replacements in d.values():
        for k, v in replacements.items():
            all_replacements.append((k, v))
    return all_replacements

def write_output(entries: List[str], bib_files: List[str], bib_fname: str) -> None:
    with open(bib_fname, "w") as outfile:
        outfile.write("@preamble{ {\\providecommand{\\BIBYu}{Yu} } }\n\n")
        for fname in bib_files:
            outfile.write(f"\n% Below is from `{fname}`.\n\n")
            with open(fname) as infile:
        outfile.write("\n% Below is from all `yaml` files.\n\n")
        for e in entries:
            for line in e.split("\n"):
                # Remove the url line because LaTeX creates it from the DOI
                if "url = {" not in line:

def static_bib_entries(pathname: Optional[str]) -> List[str]:
    if pathname is None:
        return []
    elif os.path.isfile(pathname):
        return [pathname]
        return glob.glob(pathname)

def get_bib_entries(
    dois: Dict[str, str],
    replacements: List[Tuple[str, str]],
    doi2bib_database: str,
    crossref_database: str,
    works: crossref.restful.Works,
) -> List[str]:
    return [
            data=cached_crossref(doi, works, crossref_database),
            bib_entry=cached_doi2bib(doi, doi2bib_database),
        for key, doi in tqdm(dois.items())

[docs]def yaml2bib( bib_fname: str, dois_yaml: str, replacements_yaml: Optional[str], static_bib: Optional[str], doi2bib_database: str, crossref_database: str, email: str, ) -> None: """Convert a yaml file to bib file with the correct journal abbreviations. Parameters ---------- bib_fname: str Output file. (default: ``'dissertation.bib'``) dois_yaml: str The ``key: doi`` YAML file, may contain wildcards (``*``). (default: ``'bib.yaml'``, example: ``'*/*.yaml'``) replacements_yaml: str Replacements to perform, might be ``None``. (default: ``None``, example: ``'replacements.yaml'``) static_bib: str Static bib entries, might be ``None``, may contain wildcards (``*``). (default: ``None``, example: ``'chapter_*/not_on_crossref.bib'``) doi2bib_database: str The doi2bib database folder πŸ“ to not query more than needed. (default: ``'yaml2bib-doi2bib.db'``) crossref_database: str The Crossref database folder πŸ“ to not query more than needed. (default: ``'yaml2bib-doi2bib.db'``) email: str E-mail πŸ“§ for, such that one can make more API calls without getting blocked. (default: ``'anonymous'``, example: ``''``) Returns ------- None Examples -------- Example invocation for my `thesis <>`_. .. code-block:: bash yaml2bib \\ --bib_fname "dissertation.bib" \\ --dois_yaml "*/*.yaml" \\ --replacements_yaml "replacements.yaml" \\ --static_bib "chapter_*/not_on_crossref.bib" \\ --email "" """ etiquette = crossref.restful.Etiquette("publist", contact_email=email) works = crossref.restful.Works(etiquette=etiquette) dois = parse_doi_yaml(dois_yaml) replacements = parse_replacements_yaml(replacements_yaml) entries = get_bib_entries( dois, replacements, doi2bib_database, crossref_database, works ) bib_files = static_bib_entries(static_bib) write_output(entries, bib_files, bib_fname)
@click.command() @click.option( "--bib_fname", default="dissertation.bib", help="Output file. (default: 'dissertation.bib')", ) @click.option( "--dois_yaml", default="bib.yaml", help=( "The `key: doi` YAML file, may contain wildcards (*). " "(default: 'bib.yaml', example: '*/*.yaml')" ), ) @click.option( "--replacements_yaml", default=None, help=( "Replacements to perform, might be None. " "(default: None, example: 'replacements.yaml')" ), ) @click.option( "--static_bib", default=None, help=( "Static bib entries, might be None, may contain wildcards (*). " "(default: None, example: 'chapter_*/not_on_crossref.bib')" ), ) @click.option( "--doi2bib_database", default="yaml2bib-doi2bib.db", help=( "The doi2bib database folder πŸ“ to not query more than needed. " "(default: 'yaml2bib-doi2bib.db')" ), ) @click.option( "--crossref_database", default="yaml2bib-crossref.db", help=( "The Crossref database folder πŸ“ to not query more than needed. " "(default: 'yaml2bib-doi2bib.db')" ), ) @click.option( "--email", default="anonymous", help=( "E-mail πŸ“§ for, such that one can make more API calls " "without getting blocked. (default: 'anonymous', example: '')" ), ) def cli( bib_fname, dois_yaml, replacements_yaml, static_bib, doi2bib_database, crossref_database, email, ): click.echo( "Convert a yaml file to bib file with the correct journal abbreviations." ) yaml2bib( bib_fname=bib_fname, dois_yaml=dois_yaml, replacements_yaml=replacements_yaml, static_bib=static_bib, doi2bib_database=doi2bib_database, crossref_database=crossref_database, email=email, ) if __name__ == "__main__": main()